WordPress is now a known term for netizens and non-netizens. More than 16.7 percent of the 1 million Alexa sites use WordPress. Popularity was more fortified by Forbes because it was clearly stated in one of its last articles that one of the six websites was powered by WordPress, which amounted to almost 60 million in total and with nearly 100,000 sites launched every day, the number would certainly increase. With the use of such extensive and large popularity, it is almost impossible for people not to realize this very strong blogging platform.

A very useful feature of WordPress is responsible for its extraordinary popularity, and when it comes to features, plug-ins needs to be mentioned. The architecture of the plug-in helps developers and users the same as allowing them to extend their website or blog capabilities. At present, WordPress holds more than 23,500 plug-ins. However, from the plug-in stack, I have chosen four of them that can be very useful for individuals (who into blogging) and business (which is a service). Let's see what it is. Get to know about utility software tools via visiting online.

Google XML Sitemaps. This plug-in produces a special XML sitemap that helps search engines like Google and Bing to index blogs. Sitemap maps make it easy for crawlers to see the complete structure of the site, thus resulting in efficient taking. Another good thing about the plug-in is that it supports the resulting WordPress and a special URL. Next, also do work to tell the search engine every time there is a new post. Google XML Sitemaps is compatible with the WordPress version since 2.1. However, it is still not compatible with new multisite features in WordPress 3.0. Visit the website and get to know about How To Fix HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on Wordpress Site? and How To Fix 502 Bad Gateway Error? A Complete 2021 Guide.

All in one SEO package With better search engines about their algorithms, there is a kind of anger in people to recruit SEO professionals just to make their website compatible with search engine algorithms. However, with the help of this plug-in, you can optimize the website powered WordPress or your blog for search engines. It accommodates many features such as support for Google Analytics, custom type support, fine tuning navigation links, automatic generation meta-tags, automatic optimization titles for search engines and more. Also, you will be happy to know that this is only a plug-in that provides SEO integration.

Widget controller. The widget controller is a smart plug-in that comes with smart features and helps you make your site or blog smarter. This plug-in allows users to manage widgets in their own way. With just a few clicks, you can display or hide your widget. The good thing is you don't need to know anything about PHP to make this change. It's easy to install and with the help of widgets, you can put widgets only on the pages where you want to have it. It is also equipped with active category services that help you manage posts and pages correctly.

Testimonials For all businesses that provide online services, client testimonials play an important role in strengthening the trust of their potential clients. Testimonial plug-ins has been specifically designed for the business. This imperative tool has unparalleled features that help online businesses effectively maintain their client reviews effectively. Users get facilities choose from different layout designs. Users also get options to determine the number of testimonials they want to have on the site. Plug-ins also allows group categorization-and tag-wise along with the provisions for filtering your testimonials with tags and countries. You can get to know about 5 Best Wix Alternatives Of 2021 [ Best Cheaper Options ] and How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error On Your WordPress Site? via reading online.