Elite Group Asia has an APAC based division focused on Women in Technology, created to support technology companies to improve their gender diversity ratios and attract, acquire and retain high performing female candidates in the region.

Importance of Gender Diversity

Gender diversity is vital to any workplace. Not just because it’s an admirable goal or initiative; it simply makes bottom-line business sense. Following are key points pertinent to gender diversity and its importance to any organization.

Most stakeholders today have limited to no knowledge about the makeup of corporate boards. They would be surprised to learn how little diversity of thought and experience exists in the corporate boardrooms and executive suites.

Women in Technology

In many sectors/verticals of the business world the gender gap between men and women is closing in quickly. However, the technology industry, which is already male-dominated, has been showing a recent and steady decline regarding women who find and pursue degrees in what should be a growing pool of opportunity. Coding and technology know-how is becoming a necessary component to a well-rounded career and, without female perspectives, technological advances could be subpar or irrelevant.

Hiring more women in design, product, project management, community, and leadership positions in general creates a healthier workplace. A diverse workplace is proven to get better results, more accurately reflects your customer/client base, and ensures a wider range of experience. ****Moreover, the perspective that women bring to workplace is much different and helps to connect with larger and diverse clientele.

Women account for less than a quarter of the engineers at most tech companies. Technical positions are more likely to lead to senior roles at tech companies. The tech industry has always been a male dominated field and though there are more women in today’s workforce, less are choosing to join the sector now than 20 years ago. Not only this, but there remains a significant pay gap between men and women and many women report everyday sexism in the workplace, which is off putting for females looking to join the sector.

Why does the Technology Industry need more women?

So the most laudable question is – Why the technology industry needs more women? Following are key points to address this question.

Why are there so few women in Technology (oriented) organizations?

Following are few key reasons to fewer women in technology industry.

What’s being done to encourage women to join the Tech industry?

Changes don’t happen by themselves; they need to be initiated and inculcated as a part of an organization’s culture and behavioral aspect. The following points summarize the ways in which an organization can help reduce the gender bias/gap in its workforce.

Are you a Female professional in Technology Industry?

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Elite Group Asia: Our Mission To help great people join & grow great companies. We specialize in: 'Truly' Innovative Recruitment Solutions 'Hard to fill' roles and niche requirements Gender Diverse applicant slates & Women in Technology Talent Acquisition strategy and consulting Interim Talent Acquisition engagements Technology, Digital, Media and Telecommunications Pharmaceutical Industry specialist search. ‘Elite’ representation - career management & exclusive representation of elite senior talent. Asia Pacific - Permanent, Contracting & Interim assignments, Executive Search, and Recruitment At Elite Group Asia we have made changes to the traditional recruitment models to ensure the value we deliver to all parties is higher than any other. We are leading innovation in resourcing solutions that include market leading structures of engagement. Our success is based on the success of our candidates. We are committed to introducing the right roles and companies to our candidates – such that we look to partner with our clients and, when retained, we are able to offer the LONGEST GUARANTEE, that we know of in Asia Pacific. More


When securing the next role in your career it is important that you are represented and supported as best as possible. We have significant experience in representing candidates with potential new employers and ensuring a successful outcome. More


We work in partnership with our clients to deliver recruitment solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of every organisation. Our superior industry knowledge in Asia can be used to our client’s advantage in planning and building great companies and to help ensure the right individuals fill the right roles within our client’s business. More

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