We brought together a few women from our global sales team to learn about their decision to join the company and what it’s like working at Notion.

Let us introduce you to them đź‘‹

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Women in Sales @ Notion


Let’s get into some questions….


What influenced you to join Notion?



A lot of reasons drove me to Notion, however the things that stood out to me the most are the:

  1. People: Everyone is brilliant, incredibly thoughtful, a master of their craft, and extremely nice! Everything about life and work is driven by people, and at Notion everyone is A+
  2. Care for Aesthetic: Design and beauty are at the heart of what I care about, and Notion is very simply a pure expression of that
  3. Opportunity & Growth: We are so early in building Notion! There is SO much to build, grow and expand. Being able to pursue those opportunities to help grow Notion and my career were priceless

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An amazing product and a vision that I would feel passionate selling. A great culture and a company where I could grow, learn and thrive. Career opportunities and great leadership. Notion ticked all the boxes.





The more I got to know Notion’s product and the people during my interviews, the more excited I was. We are growing, so processes have to be defined and I have the freedom to experiment with different approaches - this opportunity was so unique and I wanted to contribute my part to this success story!

How would you describe Notion’s Sales culture?



I recently joined Notion and already feel so much support from the sales organization, and the company really cares about my input. People here are very passionate, empower each other to succeed and love working as a team.





Supportive & collaborative - I love working in sales at Notion because our leaders understand that there’s multiple ways to be successful in sales. Instead of forcing us to follow a singular sales flow, they support the unique background that each rep brings to the table. This empowers all of us to collaborate and lift each other up.

Working with a team that is so smart and humble at the same time creates a unique energy and I love exchanging thoughts with my colleagues. Everybody is passionate about our mission and lifts each other up.




What makes selling Notion unique from other products or services you’ve sold?



Our product is really amazing, this is not coming only from me but from our customers. They are so passionate and enthusiastic when it comes to Notion. It is really a game changer and making everybody's lives easier, whether you use it personally or across your company

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