You asked us for our help to push community projects, and we thought it was a marvelous idea; This is why we decided to create the WoW community grant.

With this grant, we want to sponsor projects that will bring value to the whole World of Women family (aka WoW NFT holders), while raising awareness around the project and the causes it serves. We believe it will also be a good incentive for you to develop activities around WoW, and to help you achieve the ideas you already had in mind.

Our applications are now open all the time.

In order to help you understand how this grant will work, we crafted a small FAQ explaining every step of it:

I have no idea what a Grant is, help me out?

A grant is a sum of money given for a particular purpose. In our case, we will give up **to 1 ETH per project, to one or more projects to support their completion. Number of projects supported and the amount granted per project at the discretion of the WoW team

How many projects can receive the WoW grant?

One or more projects will receive a grant of ETH to help its development (it could be to cover development or marketing costs for example).

Who can claim the WoW grant?

Anyone can submit a project to the Grant. You can choose to build a project all by yourself, or with a team of other community members (or even outside the community of course).

What are the criteria to claim the WoW grant?

How to submit a project?