Increasing sales through design


Identify a problem with the Wish mobile app and design a solution. How can your solution be an impact on sales?


I interviewed and observed users to learn about some problems with the Wish app. Here is what I gathered:

  1. Users couldn't always explain why they clicked or didn't click a certain product.
  2. Several users remarked "I like these", "I would buy these", and "I would buy that too" in quick succession, without clicking any products.
  3. One user mentioned "On Amazon's web app, I open up products I like in different tabs. I won't look at them right away, but will get back to them once I'm done scrolling. It's frustrating that I can't do this on mobile."


Wish does not let users online shop the way they actually online shop.

Below is the way Wish assumes users shop, as implied through its interface.