About Data sampling

In data analysis, sampling is the practice of analyzing a subset of data in order to uncover patterns. If your data exceeds 30.000 sessions, we do a statistic sampling in which we randomly take 30.000 sessions and calculate what percentage of the overall data those sessions represent. After analyzing the random set of 30,000 sessions, we extrapolate to show the results."

For example, if you wanted to estimate the number of trees in a 100-acre area where the distribution of trees was fairly uniform, you could count the number of trees in 1 acre and multiply by 100, or count the trees in a half-acre and multiply by 200 to get an accurate representation of the entire area.

Elements of a Sankey flow DiagramThere are two main aspects to a Sankey flow diagram.


The nodes in this type of flow diagram are essentially like a bar in a classic bar chart. The height of the bar represents the value. In Datagran, these will represent the events.


The link is the connection between two nodes. This indicates the flow. In Datagran, these will represent the traffic between events.