I'm glad you asked!

The main reasons

To get right to the point, it's basically three things:

  1. Writing is a creative outlet for me;
  2. I've resolved to "put myself out there" more; and
  3. I have ideas and advice I want to share and explore on select topics.

There. Very succinct.

I feel like the first two reasons are fairly straightforward (and even intertwined), however the third point is something I'd like to expand upon more, so let's see where that takes us.

The impetus

Impetus: Something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly.

(What a great word)

Anyway - while the above points 1 & 2 are certainly true, point 3 is really what ended up driving me to actually put in the effort and strengthen my resolve to actually make this happen.

In short: there are a few select topics about which I feel strongly compelled to share my knowledge, experience and recommendations.

There are essentially 3 topics that come to mind, and a couple of reasons why those topics.

The main topic is meditation

While some people know that I am an avid meditator, others might not have even had a clue. It's not really something that I actively hide or broadcast; I'm just happily doing my thing. However, I'd like this to change.

Quite frankly, this is a 'difficult' topic for me to approach with most people, because I feel like it requires a fair amount of receptivity from the listener's point of view in order for us to really talk about it. And for most, if it's something that's coming up in regular conversation, it feels disingenuous or overly evangelical to suddenly just foist a topic of great depth and enthusiasm upon someone.

I believe much of this is because for some people, meditation (and often by extension, Buddhism; [WIP] Are you a Buddhist?) can come with its own religious/dogmatic connotations and skepticisms which I can totally appreciate.

Trick of the light.
Photo credit: Audrina Chia

Trick of the light. Photo credit: Audrina Chia

For what it's worth though, I think people are missing out here. And most of them don't know what they're missing out on. I think there's objectively a lot more to meditation than most people realise or recognise.

I'm not going to be trying to convince anyone of anything, however I will put it plainly as to why I do it, why you might want to consider it, and if you feel so inclined as to come and see for yourself - I can offer some resources, recommendations, and share my experience with you.

I have a lot to say and share on this topic, so I hope that has sufficiently whetted your appetite.