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<aside> 🏛️ Commonwealth is the premier tool for empowering crypto communities.


Commonwealth combines the core functionality of Discourse with token-gating and governance interfaces (on-chain, off-chain, and polling) empowering DAOs to effectively coordinate themselves. This enables truly decentralized governance and community discussion. Commonwealth currently power over 1600+ DAO’s including 1inch, Axie Infinity, Stargate, Osmosis and Treasure DAO.

<aside> ⚙ See us in action


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Twitter


<aside> 📖 Discord


<aside> 📖 Docs



<aside> 💸 Free Crypto-Native Forum


Commonwealth offers a fully crypto-native forum as an alternative to Discourse. Utilizing wallet logins for discussion and governance in one platform improves transparency, user experience and increases community engagement.

<aside> 🏛️ On-Chain Governance Support + Snapshot Integration


Commonwealth offers support for on-chain, off-chain/Snapshot, and polling governance standards. Our partnership with Snapshot enables a full bi-directional integration of Snapshot governance, with an improved user interface. Our 1-wallet-1-vote polling feature allows for easy community sentiment check, before proceeding to formal votes.

<aside> 🔒 Multi-Token Gating


Communities are able to limit interaction via token gating. Write-access for the entire space and/or specific topics can be limited to those with X amount of the native token. Communities will soon be able to utilize multiple different tokens for gating within the same space.

<aside> ⚠️ Limit Social Engineering Attacks


Web2 Platforms like Discourse and Discord can be manipulated for social engineering attacks, due to the lack of on-chain verification methods. Commonwealth requires all users to be tied to a wallet address, which increases transparency of user activity and enables token gating for added protection.

<aside> 📖 Import All Discourse History


Commonwealth enables communities to fully import their Discourse history, preserving threads, comments, likes, profiles, etc. resulting in a simple, seamless transition.

<aside> 🌐 API


Common API enables other tools and projects to tap into the social data from the Commonwealth platform. This offers access to our robust community activity data

<aside> ™️ Utilize a Custom Domain


Communities can set-up a custom domain for their Commonwealth space that only offers access to their community. We can set the domain to your preference.