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<aside> 🏛️ Commonwealth is the premier tool for empowering crypto communities.


Commonwealth combines the core functionality of Discourse with token-gating and governance interfaces (on-chain, off-chain, and polling) so DAOs can effectively coordinate themselves. This means decentralized governance, community discussions, and more can happen all on Commonwealth. We currently power over 1000+ DAO’s including, dYdX, Axie Infinity, Stargate, Osmosis and Element Finance.

<aside> ⚙ See us in action


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Join the Community


<aside> 📖 Docs


Used Cases

<aside> ⚠️ Limit Social Engineering Attacks


Web2 Platforms like Discourse and Discord can be manipulated for social engineering attacks, due to the lack of on-chain verification methods. Commonwealth requires all users to be tied to a wallet address, which increases transparency of user activity and enables token gating for added protection.

<aside> 💸 Free Crypto-Native Discourse Replacement


Commonwealth offers a fully crypto-native forum as an alternative to Discourse. Utilizing wallet logins for discussion and governance in one platform improves transparency and user experience. We utilize a DAO and token model to keep all core functionality free.

<aside> 📖 Import All Discourse History


Commonwealth enables communities to fully import their Discourse history, preserving threads, comments, likes, profiles, etc. resulting in a seamless transition.

<aside> 🏛️ Full Governance Support + Snapshot Integration


Commonwealth offers support for on-chain, off-chain/Snapshot, and polling governance standards. Our partnership with Snapshot enables a full bi-directional integration of Snapshot governance, with an improved user interface. Our 1-wallet-1-vote polling feature allows for easy community sentiment check, before proceeding to formal votes.

<aside> 🔒 Multi-Token Gating


Communities are able to limit interaction via token gating. Write-access for the entire space and/or specific topics can be limited to those with X amount of the native token. Communities will soon be able to utilize multiple different tokens for gating within the same space.

<aside> ™️ Utilize a Custom Domain


Communities can set-up a custom domain for their Commonwealth space that only offers access to their community. We can set the domain to your preference.

<aside> 👪 Link and Manage SubDAOs (Alpha)


Communities can create, link, and manage subDAOs effectively through our Linked Communities feature. Each of these subDAOs can manage their own forum, governance, and token gating.