What is Cloud computing? With the development of the modern computational world, the demand for MSc Cloud Computing in the UK is increasing nowadays. Pursuing a career in Cloud computing is a big challenge as it deals with information technology towards real-life experience through accessing data and programs remotely in the cloud or a virtual platform. Without a direct connection to the server, Cloud enables complex businesses to offer cost-effective solutions as well as business needs. Cloud computing is used in around 96% of large organizational operations and a multi-Cloud strategy is found within 81% of companies that ensure business success and scalability. Cloud computing has been used in different industries, military organizations, global banks, car manufacturers, hospitals, and so on.


The UK universities offer flexible research-led courses on Cloud Computing that enhance the growing talents personal as well as academic growth. The world-class research facilities and dedicated labs attract international students mostly to study Cloud Computing. This unique subject also shows an excellent pathway to explore their career choices. Thus, Cloud computing offers an endless learning environment as well as limitless career opportunities with potential works.

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Categories of Cloud Computing

The three different types of Cloud computing are as follows:

1. Infrastructure

It’s a software Service, or IaaS for short acts as a service model that support Cloud computing through the essential hardware and software like servers, memory, storage and networking equipment. These are the fundamental tools for implementing cloud computing.

2. Platform

A service or PaaS offers development teams a platform to develop business applications. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are popular Cloud platforms.

3. Software

A Service or SaaS is a software delivery, using an internet browser without downloading it onto the computer. The service emails software to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Why Popular?

The name is given Cloud Computing related to crunching as well as processing data away from the device we carry. Anyone can access it from anywhere and anytime. From big corporations to small businesses Cloud Computing provides different services through the Internet including data storage, servers, databases, networking, software, and so on. Thus, Cloud Computing is becoming a challenging part of the business sector during this vicious pandemic. Government institutions, organizations, and businesses all around the world are searching for Cloud services as well as powerful & flexible IT infrastructure. Therefore, a sound understanding of designing, handling Big Data is included in Cloud Computing services. The other main reasons for its’ popularity are as given below: