🌍  Overview

Litter Token ($LTK) is a utility-based crypto token that pays people to pick up litter 🌳

We are completely community-funded so we decide on our impact/goals together!

You can buy Litter Tokens HERE OR HERE!

🥇 Goal: We want to reward people for doing activities that directly benefit our planet!

📊 | Our Track Record

Cycle 1️⃣: Launched in November 2021, we picked up 10k pieces of litter in only 2 weeks! The movement became so thrilling that people across the world (e.g. Nigeria, Brazil, USA, Dominican Republic) were making it a part of their daily routines. We had to pause pickups in order to make the process more scalable

Cycle 2️⃣: We re-launched in March 2022 and fundraised $4K from our community in only 2 days! We then picked up 25K more pieces of litter, hosted a cryptocurrency seminar in Nigeria, and generated revenue for Litter Token by bringing aluminum cans & plastic bottles to a Recyclable Redemption Center

Cycle 3️⃣: We re-launched in July 2022 and fundraised $6K - with these funds we aim to: pick up 35K pieces of litter, invest in the beginning of 2 revenue-generating projects (Waste-to-Energy & Web3 Bootcamp/Consulting), carry out 2 community-funded projects (Community Farm & Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary), and work towards becoming on on-chain DAO

🗺 Litter Token Roadmap


1️⃣ Cycle 1 — Complete