<aside> πŸ”₯ Here you find all the new hot features and latest release notes for globl platform. If you have any questions or wonderings, just grab your nearest vChain representative. We'd love all feedback you can give us!


October 22, 2020 [R 2020.04] - Introducing Xception! ...and some other things.

New features

Xception πŸ“‘

Xception is a new and innovative way of dealing with actual (or potential) exceptions in your supply chain. It will automatically identify exceptions in the same second as they occur and you are able to take action and communicate to ensure that all parties are up-to-date.


Notifications πŸ“£

You are now able to automate the distribution of tracking links to your customers. As soon as something is booked, we send them an e-mail, branded according to your accounts branding and you are able to set your custom email subject, title and body text.


Bug fixes & Improvements

September 15, 2020 [R 2020.03] - Invoices & more emissions love

New features

Invoice Control πŸ’΅

We have developed a totally new and innovative way of controlling carrier invoices. This will generate an even better and more transparent control of invoices for our customers and we will also in the near future enable customers to do the controlling part on their own. If they like.


Are you also lost in the invoice jungle? Grab one of us, and we can help you set this up asap!

Bug fixes & Improvements

September 3, 2020 [R 2020.02] - Emissions & Sharing

New features

Emissions ♻️

We've released a brand new application for measuring your green house gas emissions for every single consignment. The engine is provided by one of our partners - Proxio - and gives you full support for all transport modes and fuel types and we have developed reports fully compliant with GRI 305.


Make an impact for real, and start measuring your green house gas emissions today, so that you can influence them tomorrow! Get in contact with us straight away to learn more.

Official tracking & sharing πŸ”Š

If the application is enabled, customers can now share an official tracking page for their consignments. The sharing is made using the share button within the consignment and will generate an e-mail being sent with a tracking link


Bug fixes & Improvements

April 15, 2020 [R 2020.01] - Purchase & Overall general update

New features

Bug fixes & Improvements

Supply Chain Overview 🌍

Our overall ambition is to give you control and visibility of your supply chain and what would then be better than to, as a first page, just show you your supply chain at a glance? Here you can see your internal sites, your suppliers, clients and also other points of interest (maybe an important sub-supplier?). We will put more love into this going forward by adding your current shipments in transit, among other things.


Chat functionality πŸ’¬

We have enabled a chat function in the platform where you can ask questions right to our world class customer service department. The chat will be available 08:00 - 17:00 CET. If successful, we will extend this time frame later on.


Branding possibilities 😎

Organizations will now have the possibility to brand the platform with logotype and color.



Broader search πŸ‘£

The free text search in Shipments now cover more columns. See a detailed list here below:


Price πŸ’°

Price for the shipment is now available in the Shipments table. Please note however, that all shipments might not get a price right away. Different circumstances might lead to the shipment being priced later on, especially now in these strange times.

Table settings βš™οΈ

The Shipments table is now possible to configure with the information you want to see. This is automatically saved on your user. This goes for all tables in globl which contain a lot of information. Just press the cogwheel in the top right corner of the table and configure away!

Purchase πŸ’΅

Purchase is a brand new feature in globl! For some of you the term is still familiar but the product has lived its own life for a while, but now we incorporate it into globl. Purchase helps you distribute and monitor your purchase orders and identify exceptions for you to act upon.


Orders πŸ“¨
