Here's what happened between now and our last update!

Please be aware that some updates cannot be disclosed, and that such content will not be included in the product notes.

New Features ✨

Auto Tag Extraction by Blue Whale is here!

In addition to Peer Tags from last month, this feature is part of our efforts to make updating tags more fun. Try feeding Blue Whale (Beatrust's extraction engine) with links and documents of your recent interests, work you've done, or anything else that comes to mind. What will your extracted tags look like? Try out and see! Click here for a detailed explanation of the feature.


<aside> 💡 This feature may not be available for all companies. If you would like to try it out or would like to know more about it, please contact your Beatrust representative or contact us.


Improvement & bug fixes 🩹

Tags are now easier to add

Up til now, adding multiple tags on the profile page required you to click the input field each time. Now, the UI is more suitable to add tags one after another, as the cursor will remain in the field after pressing Enter. Small improvement, but significant!

The cursor stays in the input field after pressing Enter to add a tag.

The cursor stays in the input field after pressing Enter to add a tag.

Having to hit the Save button on the upper right corner of the panel after editing your tags was easy to forget. Now a window shows up asking you whether you want to save your edits if you try to leave the page without hitting Save.

A popup lets you know that you haven't saved your tag edits.

A popup lets you know that you haven't saved your tag edits.

Ask post can now be deleted

Limited to post owners, ask posts can now be deleted ONLY IF they have no responses. If you would like to delete a post that already has a response, please contact a Beatrust representative or use the contact form.

 is a newly added option under the top left menu

Discard this post is a newly added option under the top left menu

Better view of your tags