March 2024

Design Studio

We can now add QR codes to chosen templates. Just paste a URL & it will generate a QR code for your adaptation ➡️


We are finalising our Intelligent Resizing for Design Studio templates, too.


Security 🔒

We’ve been busy updating the various libraries throughout BrandHub, including the Asset Library.

February 2024

Asset Library

We have an all-new Asset Page - built to streamline the way we update assets - all on a single page, in just a couple of clicks.

Admin Page.gif

As an Admin, you just have to click the new ‘Admin’ button on the Asset View.

Click the Pencil icon at the top of the page & all the metadata elements will become editable. Just have to hit save at the top when you’re finished!

We’re incorporating Additional Files & Keywords currently, then we’ll include some Admin Actions… stay tuned!

Bulk Asset Update