How do you guys organize your life? Is everything in a bullet journal? Are you using a planner and different apps? How do you organize your notebooks? Etc. I’m feeling overwhelmed trying to organize my events, work tasks, goals, lists, projects etc.

🌹 Shanice Huziak

Shelly 💜

A combo of a bullet journal, Google Calendar, Things (which I started using a couple of months ago), and Notion, with a splash of Google Keep. And in my bujo I have a spread called "What Goes Where" (inspired by one Raych shared from her bujo a while ago) that designates what goes in what space.

all my braindumps on stuff i have to do this week, today, this month etc is in my bujo

then we move to notion and separate them by days. if it's due this week i write it under the day, if its next week it goes under a special list ive created.

on sundays i go on google cal and time block my days. it helps me know if everything ive planned can really fit in my days or im overscheduling. +im making the most of my time ++ i schedule family time, friends time, ME TIME



i have a bullet journal for all my daily tasks and to-dos as well as monthly calendars and reminders of friend dates and appointments etc, and my office uses asana so i keep a board there as my big work task list and am able to plan ahead a bit more there. those are the only 2 i use


Léa Brtlss

I try to keep it simple with only ONE organizer for work and personal stuff. I organize with a color code to know what's "work" (blue) and what's "personal" (pink or green). I also draw little emojis to recognize birthdays, days where I need to feed my mom's cat, the beginning of my periods etc.I use this kind of organizer, this way I have a page for my week and an other for my "to do list" of the week.

To organize my thoughts I have an other notebook more like a bujo that I use when I need to reflect on my week/month.

I sync multiple google calendars on laptop and phone. One for work, one for personal, and several shared calendars for other groups I have! You can color code, and the app is great. I also share events and my personal calendar with my boyfriend.

I truly don’t know if he would remember what commitments we made without the calendar

Alicia C


My bujo for to-do and phone calendar for notifying me about events!

I'm a digital organizer. I don't like writing things down in notebooks or journals at all which doesn't help my need for pretty notebooks :face_with_rolling_eyes: Currently using Notion app for tracking specific things, Pen app for journaling, and Google Calender for bigger to do/to remember things.

My Google Calendar is color coded for me personally where

red = bills /

dark blue = serving shifts /

blue = event or meeting /

green = assignment due /

purple = exam date /

yellow = birthdays.

This all helps my brain see everything as not that big and overwhelming plus it's all cute. If you're not into having primarily apps though and bujo seems overwhelming with page layouts and the pressure to be aesthetically pleasing then I recommend an actual calendar like a physical one ppl hang in their homes but it can be for your desk or something where write your tasks/deadlines/time stamps there


Shelly 💜

So I use my bujo for notes and brain dumps I want in written form, most to-dos, habit tracking, as well as for events and appointments which I also have in Google Calendar and iOS calendar (I have an IFTTT automation running that copies stuff on the former to the latter).

Google Calendar is where I do my main calendar blocking -- when I want to do a workout, when to get stuff done around the house, events, appointments.

Notion is my "digital binder" where I keep lists (e.g., books I've read and ones I want to read), where I keep track of projects I'm doing via laptop (that's where I use Notion the most).

Things is a more recent app acquisition. I imported my calendar stuff into it, and I use it to keep track of to-dos and projects digitally via iPad.

And then Google Keep is something I use for grocery shopping lists, but also as a personal/private Pinterest (although I know I can make private boards, and I have done, I tend to check this more often). I can save stuff there from my phone or iPad that I want to check out on desktop later. The inspo behind this was one of muchelleb's videos where she talked about how she uses it.

There is a good amount of crossover, but I like having some things in multiple places.