Launched back in March 2023, the Pro Leagues is the ultimate & most competitive Pooky experience.

To get access to Pro Leagues, you’ll need to own at least one Tradable Pookyball (NFT) in your crypto wallet connected to your Pooky account.

The Pro leagues offer cash prize pools each Gameweek, currently at 7000 $MATIC (as of 27.12.23). The weekly prize pool increases each Gameweek, based on the number of Pookyballs sold.

Using a Pookyballs of rarity; Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic (cannot buy this rarity) will allow you to predict the following leagues:

Rooky Pookyballs do not give you access to the Pro Leagues Prize Pools.

If you win a league with a Rooky, you will receive a Common Pookyball as a reward, which will give you lifetime access to the Pro Leagues.

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