Motorcycle batteries aren’t designed for eternity. Regardless of how high-quality the battery is, it will eventually reach the end of his term. That being said, when a battery goes bad, there is no way to revive it. The only way is to solve this is with a new motorcycle battery to keep your vehicle running again.

To help you know the best time to replace your motorcycle battery, here are some signs you should look out for:

Battery engages but doesn't start the motor

There are times when you'll turn the ignition switch and hear the battery activate but will not hear the motor crank over. Issues with the battery are sometimes mechanical in nature. In this case, the problem may be due to the gears connected to the flywheel. Either the gear has stripped or become dislodged against the flywheel. Whatever the case is, your engine won’t start and need a motorcycle battery replacement.

Smell or smoke when starting the motor

There are times that your battery will overheat due to long road trip activities and continued usage. If this occurs, you'll most likely see or smell smoke coming from underneath the engine. This problem may be caused by a short circuit, blown a fuse, or a problem with the battery itself. In any case, these mean you have to replace your battery with a new one.

Fading horn and lights

Among the most important parts of your motorbike are your lights and horn as these will help you alert other drivers of your presence on the road. If your best motorcycle battery is beginning to fail, then one of the most obvious signs of this could be that the horn and lights begin to fade. If you are riding your motorcycle at night and notice that your headlights are not putting out as much power or covering less of a range than they used to, it may be time to get your battery checked. It's likely that the volume of your horn will also be affected, so be alert to the sound next time you use it.


The older your battery is, the more it would fail. To this effect, the average lifespan of even the best motorcycle battery is four years. After this, your battery can start exhibiting signs of failure, such as fast discharge or incomplete recharge, among others. Sometimes, these can begin to occur even before the four-year deadline. While a good battery can last longer, this can still reach it’s the end of the operation. Therefore, you should consider its age, then decide whether it’s still reliable or need some replacement already.

Clicking sound when you turn the key

When you turn your key in the ignition, your motorcycle battery sends a current to an electrical component to get things going. If the battery is failing, it’s more likely that you’ll have a hard time doing this and the electrical current sent to the starter will be weaker. When the starter receives reduced or insufficient power from the battery, it often makes the clicking noise you're hearing.

Slow crank

All drivers are familiar with the normal sound of their motorcycles. If you notice your engine cranks more slowly or sluggishly than normal when you turn the key, your battery may be nearing its death. Don't ignore this red flag and immediately get motorcycle batteries UK wide!

Dim headlights

Dead batteries won’t be able to supply power to your motorbike, including its headlights. If you notice that your headlights seem dim and weaker than usual, take note! Not only is the reduced light a safety issue, but it also means your motorcycle battery is almost kaput.

Needing to press on the gas pedal to start

If your motorcycle batteries UK are in good condition, you won’t need to force start your ride to get it up running. If you find that your vehicle is only starting when you kick your foot on the gas pedal, you may be dealing with a failing battery.

Now that you have reached the end of this article, you will have an easier time identifying when your motorcycle battery has gone bad and needs replacing. As a result, you can avoid having some surprise encounter with a dead battery sometime in the future. Not only can this save you from sudden breakdowns, but it can also save you time and energy from fixing and dealing with a battery that has run out of juices. Hence, keep all of these signs in mind, so you can have an idea about when to replace your battery.!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d2362.103780817557!2d-2.6986076!3d53.6985967!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x487b0d8f7ba91cf3%3A0x4f3766d13b1bcfad!2sOrius Ltd!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sph!4v1603965910634!5m2!1sen!2sph