<aside> ❓ Coming soon... ⏳


you want to be aware of the big picture as well as the small details, all at the same time and in every decision.Letting business people express their specification in an event-driven way so you can work with it easily is our key driver to excellent projects. This API'd view of requirements is the central source for everyone working in the development team and our supportive engines. Codeboard powers individuals and teams with a digital whiteboard and accessible sticky notes. A collaborative process enables everyone to explore the right requirements playfully and divide them into independent, right-sized chunks. At the same time it connects specifications to the understandings of developers and the accompanying translation into open, real code.

Nevertheless, the power of developers is too rare and often allocated on unchallenging tasks. From starting the new project to writing, or even deploying the first printInvoice(...) can be a long road with all kinds of challenges. And we have a lot to do. Imagine starting a new project and directly be abled to start coding with everything set up. From a cloud-based repository to deployment on feature-stages. If something is not in your manner you can easily change it at the source or even start with one of your existing projects as a uploaded template.

the efficiency of no-code with the power of the open web so developers become "super-developers" and people who know how to code can focus the most complicated parts only. Codeboard's open translation enables to craft fast, attractive, easy to edit information systems in hours or days instead of months or even years. While always staying free and in sync with requirements.

When a specifications or a a major framework-version changes the upcoming maintenance becomes even larger than the initial setup. You need good knowledge on the technology, an appropriate plan and the right-skilled team to implement all required customizations in order.

the continuous development of specifications, templates and results. Updating a template changes all related components in no time. If a specification gets an update all underlying components get customized automatically, too. If a new technology arrives, the only thing you need to be part is a template, no matter how big or complex your project is.


Pre-Requesites and Limits

No-Code, Low-Code, ... High-Code

Why sharing content?

Sharing content makes working in teams a breeze. When you share something with someone the person you shared it with can see and update the component, just like you and dependent on his/her User -Role. If the person is generally allowed to, he/she can make a new invitation, like you did before.