How to add your weight Tracking Tile to your Dashboard

Click “Get Started” below to see the 4-step guide on how to add your Weight Tracking Tile to your humanOS Dashboard.

Where can I find my Protein Units?

Protein Units are a part of the humanOS Ideal Weight Program. We calculate a personalized recommended daily target of protein intake to adhere to this program. Protein Units are displayed in two different ways: As Protein Units (See program) or as grams per day. Use whatever version of the measurement that suits you. Your Protein Units are on your Weight Tracking Tile.

Here is an example:

CleanShot 2022-10-04 at 19.01.52@2x.png

Close Up Example (specified to this example individual)

CleanShot 2022-10-04 at 19.12.44@2x.png

How can I manually add my weight in humanOS?

If you don’t have a digital scale from Fitbit or Garmin, and have that service synced with humanOS, then you can manually track your weight according to these step-by-step instructions. Click “Get Started” to see how.