Week of Docs is a periodic week-long documentation sprint, where we focus on improving the documentation of Review Board, RBTools, Djblets, and anything else related to the project. Our goal for Week of Docs is to end the week with better docs than we started.

How to help

Anyone is free to contribute to Week of Docs. We’ll do these periodically, and if you’re interested in helping out, all you need to do is reach out to us on [email protected].

There are a few ways you can contribute to the Week of Docs:

Let us know what we should focus on

Were some parts of the documentation confusing or lacking, as a user, an administrator, a contributor, or a consumer of our API?

Maybe you hit some problem and wished there was a KB article for it?

These would be good suggestions.

Help us flesh out the existing docs

If you feel comfortable writing, just check out our source trees and start working on new docs. Submit your changes to https://reviews.reviewboard.org . We’ll help massage it into place and get it up on the site.