Welcome back, everyone!!! For this week, we will get ourselves familiar with some contracts and perform some light tasks on them to get back on track as we move towards testing contracts.

Goal: To get comfortable with reading Solidity (without tutorial/explanation). And to learn best practices for commenting your code using NatSpec commenting format, which follows Doxygen notation style. Good comments help other developers, end-users, and auditors understand your intentions, code and find bugs if they exist.

Here is your mission if you choose to accept it:

I. Read and understand contracts.

Head over to https://github.com/BanklessDAO/solidity-study-material and spend some time reading through and understanding the contracts. Feel free to play with the code.

II. Comment out all three contracts.

Spend some time reading through and understanding this fantastic article about comments in Solidity https://jeancvllr.medium.com/solidity-tutorial-all-about-comments-bc31c729975a.

The article mentioned above contains comprehensive content about how to comment on your Solidity code. Your goal here is to comment out all three existing contracts for this week.

(P.S:- Make sure to fork the repository and make changes on your forked repository.) you

Have Fun Learning !!!