I. Solidity

cryptozombies.io: ERC721 & Crypto-Collectibles

II. The Command Line

The Command Line is an incredibly useful and vital tool in the developer's toolbox. If you're not familiar with the command line, or struggle to use it, here are some resources to work through to familiarize yourself and get more comfortable with it:

Command Line Tutorial: Usage in Linux and macOS

A Beginner's Guide to the Windows Command Prompt

III. Git

git is an important of collaborative work in development. In passing through JS, we'll be switching gears and digging into understanding this vital piece of developer workflow.

This week, focus on working through these pieces:

  1. Git book, Chapter 1.1

Git - About Version Control

  1. Git book, Chapter 1.4

Git - The Command Line

  1. Git book, Chapter 1.5

Git - Installing Git