October 26th, 2022

Lab: Intro to Asynchronous Serial Communications

A Serial Output Sketch

Code: read potentiometer’s value and print in serial monitor

Code: read potentiometer’s value and print in serial monitor

Image: breadboard with 2 potentiometers and pushbuttons

Image: breadboard with 2 potentiometers and pushbuttons

I’ve worked with potentiometers and pushbuttons before, so I went ahead and wired all the components instead of testing individual parts, as I did in the transistor lab. However, after completing this lab and realizing I use just 1 potentiometer for the most part, it might have been better to add in components as I needed.

Serial communication is a lot of new conceptual information. So in this documentation, I will be jotting down notes (directly from lab manual for repetition) on concepts and to explain what each line of code is doing to help my understanding of the material.

Serial Terminal Programs

Connecting via the POSIX Command Line

Terminal App: “ ls -1 /dev/cu.* “ for a list of serial ports.

Terminal App: “ ls -1 /dev/cu.* “ for a list of serial ports.

It’s nice to finally use the Terminal app with purpose instead of mindlessly following instructions I found online meant to troubleshoot whatever tech issue I’m having. At first, I recieved an error message. It wasn’t until I copied and pasted from the lab manuel that I realized there was a space that I couldn’t see when typing out the line manually due to line spacing on my browser.

“/dev/cu.usbmodem144101” should refer to my arduino, which matches the port name I see in arduino IDE.

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