
Programming Opentrons

We will be using the OpenTrons OT-2, and open-source, user-friendly lab automation robot. This week we focussed on the mechanics of operating the OpenTrons remotely. The exercise involves using food dyes to create a pattern into a 96-well plate. While this isn't a conventional synthetic biology workflow, the same commands would allow you to later execute exercises involving enzymatic reactions such as PCR, Gibson Assembly and more.

1. Load OpenTrons library

# First, we load the OpenTrons library and call home. 
# Re-run this cell will reset the protocol!

import opentrons.execute
protocol = opentrons.execute.get_protocol_api('2.9')

# If you get a warning while running this cell, go to ther OpenTrons app 
# and disconnect from the robot. Try re-running this cell and you should not
# get a warning

2. Load labware

Labware are the physical components mounted on the OpenTrons deck. Labware can include tips, wells, racks, etc.

Materials used for this experiment



Well Plate: