This week, I used the Structure sensor with ItSeez3D to get a 3D scan of my full body. I had to try a number of attempts (I ended up with more than 10 models of myself, some more distorted than others) and I worked with Lydia to 3D scan each other, as well as also asking 3 other people to give it a go at scanning me. I tried a different locations on the floor including night times, but in all those times, I found it hard to get a good 3D scan of myself and others. The frustration point usually happened when moving on to the torso & arms area of the body. It was hard to not get another limb to appear in that area. Although the distorted scans also look interesting and I think there will be a use for them, I also wanted to try to get a realistic scan of myself. Below two gifs are of the two that I think turned out okay.

I can identify with these scans to be me, and if I saw these 3D scans animated somewhere, I would relate this 3D avatar as me. Sure, there are some imperfections to these scans but I think it has enough similarities to make me relatable to these avatars.

The readings this week were discussing public and commercial use of these 3D avatars in games and movies, and the economic, legal and technical aspects of their use.

I found the quote "while killing is very simple, kissing is very hard" interesting and agreed with the general sentiment that total replacement of live actors to 3D avatars is impossible, at least with the state of technology now. But even if the technology were to advance and make 3D animation easy and life like, would they really replace the live actors? I would like to believe that the answer is no. As one of the readings pointed out, the role of celebrities don't end with their on-screen personas. People find entertainment in what they do off-screen. Also the young and fresh actors always seem to cause a lot of interest and pleasure for people.

Another interesting thought for me was the furthering blur of boundaries between the real physical self and its digital self. There is a fascination in seeing my 3D scan and rotating it around (like an action figure toy, but virtual one!) but there is also a feeling of uneasiness in seeing myself in another environment foreign to me, and also outside of my own flesh.