<aside> 🔍 Around 700 million people still live in poverty, mostly in low-income countries. Efforts to help them - by policy reform, cash transfers, or provision of health services - can be incredibly effective.

Alongside investigating this issue, we also discuss how much more effective some interventions are than others, and we introduce a simple tool for estimating important figures.

Key concepts from this session include:

Fermi estimates:

When you’re trying to make a decision, it can be useful to make a rough calculation for which option is best. Even if there’s a lot of uncertainty, this can give you a rough answer, and can tell you which things are most important to estimate next.


Required Materials

Differences in impact:

Fermi estimation

Background data on global health and poverty:

“Classic” EA strategies for addressing global poverty:

Some newer EA strategies for improving the wellbeing of humans living in poverty:

Exercise (20 mins.)

Part A (20 mins.)