
Design Homework


Design a mutation in any gene of a mammalian or plant of your choice*. In order to design a genomic modification you will need to know the gene sequence you want to modify. At the end of the document is a short selection of organisms with published genomes, but you can also take the gene sequence of the organism you want to work in from elsewhere.

1.  Overview and rationale

In a short paragraph, describe the type of mutation you want to introduce and the rationale behind it. For inspiration you can take a look at Prof. Church’s list of potential human genome modifications, browse in one of the functional data bases, or look through published experiments.

2.  Genomic sequence

Include the genomic sequence you want to modify in your write up. You don’t need to paste the full sequence; just include the part relevant for designing your editing experiment!

3.  Genome editor design

Describe which genome editing tool you want to use and submit your design.

For CRISPR/Cas9-based editors this means that you will include a sequence of your guide RNA and the name of the Cas9 protein you want to use. SpCas9 is most commonly used and recognizes an 5’-NGG-3’ PAM site (where ‘N’ can be any base), but you might want to use another protein with different PAM sequence for your experiment.

In addition, if you are not designing a gene knockout (introducing a double strand break into the DNA, followed by NHEJ repair), but an HDR experiment, include the sequence of the repair template which allows you to achieve your desired mutation.