Choose your onboarding buddy

Everyone should have a buddy in life they can turn to. Especially when you are new to something. Your onboarding buddy will be your goto person for questions next to your team lead. Have problems finding someone? Just talk to the People team or your manager!

Random lunch (In Berlin)

For the next 4 weeks, we will pair you up for lunch with a random person from the company to get to know everybody and especially people you are not working with directly.

GDPR Training

Yeeeees, we know it sounds boring and you have probably looked at the email invite a few times now... But hey, you will be surprised what you can learn from it. And best takeaway, on parties you can now be the expert :)

Jokes aside, GDPR is a very important topic and false behaviour can create serious damage to our organisation and our mission.

<aside> 💡 The people team will send you an invite to our HeyData GDPR training. Once completed we ask you to sign a small agreement where you acknowledge certain GDPR behaviour and data rules.


<aside> 🔥 In case you start using new tools, please inform the People Team. We have to sign a GDPR agreement with any provider we exchange sensitive data with and add it to our documentation.


3rd 1on1 at the end of the week

Continue Exploring

Your remaining probation