<aside> 🔍 “We are always in triage. I fervently hope that one day we will be able to save everyone. In the meantime, it is irresponsible to pretend that we aren’t making life and death decisions with the allocation of our resources. Pretending there is no choice only makes our decisions worse."

Holly Elmore, explaining the need to prioritise given our limited resources.

If you want to use your time or money to help others, you probably want to help as many people as you can. But you only have so much time to help, so you can have a much bigger impact if you focus on the interventions that help more people rather than fewer.

But finding such interventions is incredibly difficult: it requires a "scout mindset" - seeking the truth, rather than to defend our current ideas.

Key concepts from this session include:

Required Materials

On effective altruism:

On scope sensitivity:

On scout mindset and thinking clearly:

On tradeoffs:

On impact:

More to explore

(These are optional and don’t need to viewed before the fellowship session).