With website blocking, you can define a list of websites, and they will be blocked during your Tomato sessions.

<aside> 🤖 Important: If you just added a website to your list, blocking may not work. If the website isn't getting blocked, try stopping and restarting session, and restarting your browser. This only applies to newly-added websites on the list.


Start by enabling blocking in Tomato 2 Preferences:


A confirmation popup will appear letting you know that System Extension is blocked. You'll have to enable this System Extension. Click on "Open Security Preferences":


Click on the lock icon and enter your password to enable making changes:


Allow Tomato 2 System Extension:


After that, another popup will appear. This one will ask to allow filtering Network Content. Click Allow.


Now Tomato 2 should be set up for website blocking. Try adding a few websites to the list. Once you start a Tomato, access to those websites will be disabled.

Manually disabling website blocking