Total time = 60 minutes

🎯 Event Date = 2/15 at 1:00 PM EST/12 PM CST/10:00 AM PST/8:00 PM GMT+2


Event Title:

Generative AI and DagsHub: Using ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion to Create Comic Strips

Event Description:

Join us for a live interactive workshop on how to build an end-to-end MLOps pipeline to deploy production ML models using industry-standard open-source tools!

This 60-min workshop will be hosted by Greg Loughnane and Ali Kadhim, expert MLOps instructors from FourthBrain.

They will outline the core components of DagsHub - which brings together best-practice open-source tools from across the MLOps world - from Label Studio to Data Version Control (DVC) to MLflow to Hugging Face, making end-to-end deployments a breeze. Attendees will learn how to set up their own DagsHub repository and project, fully replicating an end-to-end production generative ML application, including all necessary setup and deployment code.

Who should attend the event?