New Web UI/UX Architecture

PowerPool's UI/UX update: ETH.LIMO + Filecoin for robustness and decentralization

Website Gating & Access Control

PowerPool DAO is a form of cooperative investment club that operates on the basis of gated/controlled access to the inner workings of the DAO. Gating access is important for limiting the omnipresent scammers who threaten not just the customer experience, but their wallets as well. Wallet-based access control will verify CVP/xCVP/LP CVP tokens on many channels in Discord, and all web-facing PowerPool domains. For evolving regulatory reasons, it may eventually be necessary to qualify potential investors over certain limits with NFT verifications.

Investing in privately-managed (or algorithmic) TradFi crypto hedge funds requires a minimum investment 'ticket' to gain access. In TradFi, this is typically roughly at least $300-500,000 to invest, while meeting KYC and restrictive, discriminatory Authorised Investor status.

PowerPool is much, much more accessible and inclusive, broadly-diversified, self-custodied and a transparently DAO-managed option. The main purpose of 'gating' access to the PowerPool DAO Discord and Forum channels to only those who hold sufficient CVP/xCVP is not to exclude typical investors, but rather to protect the DAO's common space, limiting the amount of 'noise' relative to 'signal' by discouraging 'memers', shills and scammers, and by restricting proposals, comments and voting to only those with sufficient 'skin in the game'.

Website Architecture & Design-Figma Workspace

Anyone can supply feedback on the design of the website, minting widgets, etc

Gordon's UI Feedback & Proposals-v3

Website Bounties

Winning Figma workspaces:

Here is an example of design work for Compound Grants...

Here is an example of design work for Compound Grants...

Figma Design Workspace

A collaborative design space for new website has been established on Figma:

SparkDesign Team members wishing to help on the website/Forum/Governance web presence can be sent this Figma invite link: