a type of learned inference that explains away your bio-clock.


The motivation itself is simple: If there is not enough supervised data, the model family is also a choice over which q. To solve both problems, why don't we learn a reverse mapping?

Wake-sleep is Hinton's solution to this: you draw samples from both h and v and predict which h caused the present v.

This tries to mimic animals' tendencies to require some resting period where the brain is still active but the external stimuli is lacking, namely for the visual cortex.

This belongs to a strange class of methods where the approximation of inference itself is learned. That is, we learn the mapping

$$ f:v \to q^* $$

where L(v,q) is maximized.

(Naturally </s>, we approximate such f with a neural net.)



Wake-sleep algorithm - Wikipedia

Original paper from 1995