

This tool would allow anyone to generate a 3D model using text or an image as prompts, and preview it in Augmented Reality (AR) in anyone’s space.

🚫 No need to use Rhinoceros, Photogrammetry, Solidworks, Autocad etc.

✅ Make 3D Models in seconds not days or weeks

Example of the tool in action

With a text prompt (it takes some time but the time it needs to generate a model will be considerably shorter with the live version):

Screen Recording 2023-05-11 at

Text prompt: A brown chair
Text prompt: A brown leather mid-century modern armchair
Text prompt: A modern kitchen table


brown chair.png

Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 09.36.01.png

For Game assets:

Text prompt: A cloud strife buster sword

PNG image.JPEG

With image prompts:




Screen Recording 2023-05-09 at 9.18.43 PM.MOV

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