Bits & Pretzels 2022 Volunteer Program

Apply to become a volunteer and join the team on the Bits and Pretzels Founders Festival.

The Volunteer Program offers you the opportunity to access the festival for free and to connect with entrepreneurs and fellow students, who are forerunners in the startup scene.

Requirements to be accepted as volunteer:


Applicants must be 18 years or older on the day before the event starts.

Available every day of a festival

Please do not apply, if you cannot work every day of the festival. We need you up to 16 hours in total on the 4 days (24 - 27 september 2022: 3 event days and 1 day before the event for preparation).

It is not possible to work only one day or in certain time slots. Unfortunately, we can’t make any excuses here.

But you can be sure to have enough free time to experience the program of the event.

Not recipient of social welfare

Please do not apply if you are a recipient of social welfare (Sozialhilfe-Empfänger) during the dates of the festival you are applying for.

Not job-seeking

Please do not apply if you are officially registered as job-seeking (at the Arbeitsamt) during the dates of the festival you are applying for.

My volunteer responsibilities:

When to attend

Most shifts are timed between 6:30am and 7:00pm

Where to attend

The events take place at ICM International Congress Center, 81823 Munich

Be punctual