title: Values
tags: origins
featured: True
open: True
featured_image: image.jpg
excerpt: This is the introduction of this article
last_update: 2021-07-02

LINK is driven and grounded by three key values.



LINK is experimental, purposefully meandering. It is a space to bridge ideas, generate new thoughts, engage in conversations and reflect on those intricate connections found in those spaces in-between.

These spaces refer to the points of tension constantly forming to give appearance on topics that are core to conversations around the built environment, people, design, and preferable futures. Within this complex mesh of peripheral knowledge, a link forms and rapidly transforms knowledge in ways that one would not usually see.

The primary objective of this journal aims to articulate, visualise and communicate the multiple layers of information that surrounds us, questioning where lines converge between data, information, knowledge within cultures, communities and our society.

It connects the dots, making links in-between the signs, words, lines and pages of this book. What is a book but a body of symmetries, ink on paper, bound together with string, connecting narratives, connecting materials, and connecting the in betweens? The journal hence serves as a conceptual and practice-based space on how we can reflect on our relationship with dominant narratives related to today's design practice.



Starting from the desire to support practitioners and their visions, we created this space with the aim to articulate and visualise layers of the mixed realities, differing perspectives and invisible systems found in a hybrid world. By concretizing those ideas, systemic changes can be made, in the ways of seeing, feeling and doing, for preferable futures to be achieved. Through participation in the design process and decision making, our contributors and collaborators communicate the process in its entirety.

“Reorientation of mindsets, behaviours and mechanisms that foster long-term thinking and acting.” dm00

LINK Journal is an open-source publication, highlighting connections between disciplines and arguments to address the narratives of 2020. Transparency of thought is essential for the purposeful development of this design experiment. With the aim of making our thought process an open book, we communicate the process in with total transparency for the readers to gain a holistic understanding of how this medium is explored and how it used it as a tool to communicate common knowledge; sketches, scraps, previous versions of writing, communications, budgeting, design, will all be documented and published as a part of the medium.