Pupils can type their answers directly into our Online Editor for Coded answer sheets tasks

The most efficient way to carry out No More Marking assessment tasks is to use the Coded answer sheet facility. However, it may be that you cannot hand out the Coded answer sheets to pupils for them to write on. We have therefore introduced an online editor facility where pupils can directly type in their answers for a Coded sheets task. You can mix together scanned Coded sheets and typed responses if some of your pupils are in school and some working from home, for example, or if some pupils normally type in their exams.

Here are the steps that you need to take when using this facility.

Once you have uploaded candidates, you will see the option to provide candidates with an individual login to type in their answer.

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Every task had three unique words.

In this example case the words are emu laves feuar, so a candidate would log on using https://au.nomoremarking.com/emu/laves/feuar/ followed by their unique Code.

You can download all of the logins in the documents Download Candidate Links or Download Candidate Links (Grouped).

If you want to change your words simply press the ‘Refresh Words’ button - but please note that this refresh cannot be undone.

When candidates log on they will be taken to this screen:

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When they click Log in they will be given a box to type their answer.

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As they type they will be shown their word limit (for custom tasks you can change the limit in the task Settings), and are offered the chance to submit.

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