When using Notion, one way to expand its capabilities is by using external automation tools such as Zapier. With Zapier, users can create "Zaps" which are automated workflows that connect Notion to other apps and services. This allows users to automate tasks that are not natively supported by Notion, such as:

  1. Creating a new Notion page automatically when a new entry is added to a Google Sheet.
  2. Sending a notification to Slack when a task is added to a Notion database.
  3. Adding a new task to a Todoist list when a new page is created in a Notion project.

By using Zapier, users can enhance their productivity and streamline their workflow by automating repetitive tasks and integrating Notion with other apps and services that they use. Zapier also offers a wide range of pre-made Zaps that users can use as a starting point for their own automations.

It's worth noting that Zapier is a paid service and to use it with Notion, you need to have a paid subscription to Notion as well.