Obsidian and similar tools work on a local folder of files. This is fantastic, but also means you need to handle encryption, backup, and syncing yourself. Below, I share my experience for a very specific use case: running Obsidian on an untrusted laptop, which requires data-at-rest encryption of our Knowledge Base (aka KB, our folder of markdown files), and syncing the KB to the cloud.

Our Requirements:

Solutions attempted:

Below, I share my experiences with several solutions that I tried. They include file level and container level encryption of the KB.

What was I doing before Obsidian:

I still had my vast directories of files. I used to use vim's built-in blowfish encryption on a per-file basis, and sync these to the cloud via Google Drive. Voila: no setup to do, nothing to worry about. However, this became impossible with Obsidian given its need to be able to read all files in the plain.

A. Safe (a Windows EncFS client) + Google Drive

Idea: Store EncFS encrypted files into a Google Drive folder, mounted using Safe

So this was a no-go.

B. Cryptomator + Google Drive = Poor Obsidian UI experience

Idea: Same as the above A. Safe approach, except, using Cryptomator instead of Safe. Use Google Drive “backup and sync” client (NOT GDrive for Desktop)

Typing/scrolling in Obsidian became very laggy, to the point of being unusable! Why? See below:
