
I live in email and treat it like a messenger.  Please don’t be offended by the brevity of my emails.

I do not respond to every email.

Please don’t call or text.

I do my own scheduling and generally suck at it. If we don’t set up a calendar invite there is a good chance I totally forgot about it.

LinkedIn DMs are considered spam. I rarely respond.

I have a now page where you can find where I am now and what I am working on.


I do not set up calls or meeting to “chat” without an agenda.

You might find me rude if I refuse a meeting or ask to do it over email. Sorry. I am just trying to save us both wasted time.


I am a full time founder and rarely write checks.

Mostly invest only into my friends.

FinTech and PropTech are my expertise.

I don’t invest in crypto, hard sciences, bio, chips, chemistry or really any sector where I cannot be of any help in your journey.

I run my own startup 99.9% of the time so keep in mind that I can be unresponsive for days at a time, most likely your email is being snoozed and I am putting out fires.

As an entrepreneur I pitched hundreds of investors. Much of that time is wasted. The goal is to not repeat that.

My favorite founders are those who love critique and are always trying to make their product better.  My least favorite take it personally.


I try to suck a little less every day.