Planning phase (Do this every 12 Weeks)

The Vision dashboard contains everything you need to define your long-term vision to tactics.

  1. Define your , and how satisfied are you in those areas.
  2. Write down what is the most important aspect to each of the vision elements.
  3. Associate your with your Vision elements.
  4. Define your (3-year goals) and associate each with your Long-term Vision. When defining these goals, try to describe in as detailed possible, how this goal makes your life great:
  5. Set your and associate each with your Mid-term goals. We preferably only focus on two to three 12-week goals.
  6. Define lead and lag indicators for each goal.
  7. Write down one or more (actions that move you towards the goal) for each of the 12 week goals.

Check out your Vision dashboard!

Action phase (Do this phase every week for 12 Weeks)

The 12 Week Year dashboard contains everything you need to plan, execute and review your actions.

  1. At the start of each week, plan your week by creating time blocks for each day. Feel free to use the templates for different types of time blocks.
  2. At the end of each day, review you day's planned tactics and your accomplishments and calculate your daily execution score.
  3. At the end of each week, review your week:
  4. Similarly, do a monthly review at the end of each month.