Elevate isn’t just a simple social network. It is a blend of technology, community, fitness, nutrition, education, training, data, and friendships. We try to keep things straight forward and simple, but we understand there lots of questions that may come up. Here is a list of the most frequently asked ones:

If you don’t see the answer to your question below, feel free to message us at [email protected]

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What is Elevate exactly?

Why is there a Beta Tag on Elevate?

What can I scan with Elevate?

What gym equipment can I currently scan with Elevate?

What food items can I currently scan with Elevate?

What can I do with the microphone on my camera screen in Elevate?

How can I edit my profile?

What does Elevate do with my data?

Why does Elevate ask for my phone number when signing up?

What is Elevate exactly?

Elevate is a fitness-centric social network that revolves around helping health-conscious individuals log their gym workouts and diets by powering users’ cameras with futuristic patent-pending technology. We believe this tech will become the gold standard for consumers to track their daily fitness goals, minimizing 90% of the typing and tapping on a phone screen that is required to log them. We are building this new camera-utilized segment of digital fitness by leveraging various aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning.