<aside> 👉 Steppen’s content creation works a bit like Spotify.

You upload exercise videos typically ranging from 10 to 45 seconds each onto the platform (in bulk - 6 at a time) and then these videos form your exercise library. Each of these exercises can then be added into a workout, just like adding songs into a Spotify playlist.

Example: A creator uploads five 20 second videos of them performing lunges, bicep curls, pull ups, push ups and bench press. These then can now be added into multiple different workouts you create..



Select Videos121211.png


How To Upload Exercises

  1. Click the create button on the navigation bar at the bottom
  2. Select upload exercise
  3. Select the videos that you wish to upload (you can select multiple!)
  4. Once selected, press next
  5. Enter in the exercise details for each of your uploads
    1. Exercise Title
    2. Description
  6. To navigate between multiple exercise upload, swipe left and right
  7. Once you have completed filling out the exercise detail, press “Preview”
  8. In the preview page, you will see what the exercise will look like once posted.
  9. Press Post
  10. Then.. in a few moments, your exercise(s) should be uploaded! You can find them under ‘Content’ on your profile

See a guided video below
