Description of the modification between plugin V2 and plugin V3

Package structure

We have reorganized the plugin, so that it will be easier to maintain and easier for you to use. Here a the new plugin structure compare to the previous version. One main difference that you can directly see, is that we have store all the necessary scripts directly in VR Tracker main folder, and the folder scripts in the Plugin V2, has be reorganized into different folder containing a new architecture to be usable more easily:

The scripts have also been reorganized into package corresponding to their functionalities

Plugin V3

Plugin V2

Each folder in V3 will contain the script corresponding to the folder name functionality. We have also renamed the scripts that we provide for easier maintenance, each of our scripts begins with the name VRT_NameOfTheScript. Now we are going step by step in each folder or new folder to understand how things have been updated. If you want to get more details on what each script does, you can check directly on the link :

VR Tracker Unity Plugin

Folders from V2 to V3


The Association folder has been renamed into Pairing. Here is how the files has been update :

You should just need to use the new VRT_PairingSceneExample, and it should work straightforwardly. Just remember that the number of tags that will be assigned depend on the PlayerPrefab you will use in the VRT_Network script


We have changed the way the boundaries are displayed. For you it should be transparent, you just need to create a local player with UNET (Unity Networking), and it will be automatically retrieved to display the boundaries when the local player is near them.


We are now providing more scripts for the networking based on UNET. The main script VRTrackerNetwork has been renamed VRT_NetworkManager. You have on it new action on which you can register to know when player joins the game or the local player join. New: Just put the VRT_Network prefab on your content scene, it will handle the networking directly from the scene.
