Unlocking & Understanding Compassionate Self-Forgiveness

[A Guided Experience for Expanding Your Habit for

Clearing Your Blocks & Greater Self-Compassion]

<aside> đź’ˇ Purpose of Experience:

To clear challenging situations, karma, negativity, imbalance and dis-ease.

To learn how to use our emotions as a powerful clearing and healing tool.

To learn how to use love, compassion and self-forgiveness to heal, clear and release what’s holding us back.

Build your sacred muscles of Self-Compassion.


<aside> ⏰ Time Needed [approx]:

17 minutes+


<aside> ✨ Anchoring the Light & Spirit’s Support:

First, call in the Light, and set a clear intention for your experience. Include the essence of asking for Spirit’s Support for the highest good of all concerned.


Guiding Questions

  1. What’s a situation in your life that brings up judgment or blame? Describe it, letting yourself express from that place of judgment or blame.
  2. Ok now have some fun with this! Really let yourself exaggerate that judgey, blamey voice inside! Speak from the judgey, blamey voice… in an exaggerated, over-the-top way!
  3. What judgments/misbeliefs are you aware of? What is it that is wrong, bad, or not ok with you?
  4. How do these judgments/misbeliefs show up in your life?
  5. What’s the earliest memory of this judgment/misbelief in your life – either within you, or another? Trust whatever pops into your mind.
  6. What was the heart of that judgment/misbelief?
  7. How are you aware that buying into this judgment/misbelief was protecting, serving or helping you in some way?
  8. Are you willing to forgive yourself now, across all of time? [If Yes – go to next question. If No – ask: What do you need to give yourself permission to forgive yourself?]
  9. First, connect to your loving compassion for yourself. Connect to that loving kindness and sweetness for your innocent child inside. Nod your head when you’re able to feel that loving compassion.
  10. Repeat after me, and then complete the statement, with love and compassion for yourself...
  11. I forgive myself for buying into the misbelief that…
  12. I forgive myself for buying into the misunderstanding that… [pause etc]
  13. I forgive myself for buying into the misperception that… [pause]