GitHub - rileykzuckert/ interactive visualization of how much UArizona students spent on course materials for Fall 2021


Interactive data visualizations of UArizona textbook and homework access code costs for the Fall 2021 semester.


Address financial concerns towards the amount and price of materials that must be purchased for UArizona students to be successful on and complete their homework through the data collection and analysis of UArizona course material costs in a given semester.

Data collection

A talk back board survey was introduced to the UArizona student population asking the questions, "How much did you spend on textbooks this semester?" and "How much did you spend on homework access codes this semester?"

In coordination with data from UArizona's Open Education Librarian and UArizona Libraries UX Team, the survey grouped prices into the ranges of $0, $1-$99, $100-$199, $200-$299, $300-$399, $400-$499, $500-$599, $600-$699, $700-$799, and $800+.

At the conclusion of the 2-week survey period, the board results were documented and analyzed to generate evidence for the concerns towards hindrances of student success due to the financial constraints imposed upon them to complete coursework.


[Interactive visualizations of student homework material costs.](

Interactive visualizations of student homework material costs.

My roles

Survey designer and coordinator

Data analysis

Data visualizations


Talk back board


Code samples