
<aside> ⚡ ADPList came to us looking to gain a better understanding of how people using the platform feel about its current onboarding process as well as research reasons as to why they were experiencing high levels of drop offs.


<aside> ⚡ With that information we were then tasked to ideate features and flows to alleviate pain points and to make the process easier for everyone involved.



📚Research Goal

First things first we, as a team, had to figure out the true goal of the project. We set out to meet with the major stakeholders of the platform to get as much information as we could about the current pain points and issues they are experiencing.

After getting an understanding of the problems we set out to explore the site for ourselves which lead us to the following:

Understand the onboarding flow from both sides, Mentor and Mentee, with a focus on identifying pain points and areas that could be causing fall offs. Beyond getting through the onboarding process what are their primary motivations and do they see anything lacking from the platform’s overall experience.

🔎UX Research

From our initial passes at the site we didn't really see any glaring issues and we thought that we wouldn't have much to do when it came to solving this problem. We quickly had a brainstorming session to see if we could find the right questions to ask to find the information we were looking for.

Research Plan

We developed a formal research plan that showcased our:


From there, we reached out to our collective LinkedIn networks to recruit people to interview. We wanted to get as much variety as we could in terms of time spent on the platform, how long they have been in design, and what they are primarily using the site for.