<aside> 🚨 NOTE: For those new to staking at NFTX please be aware that you may not get the same WONC back when/if you unstake. Only stake WONC's that you are ok swapping for another. You could always end up with the better WONC though, and this is why you should only ever add floor value WONCs into the vaults and not WONCs that you are emotionally attached to.


We have been alerted to a few example sites where someone is imitating the NFTX site with all the links going through to scam transactions.

Please always ensure that you are only using the official NFTX links listed here. 👇🏼

WONC Vault details

Vault URL

Vault ID 701

PUNK APE YACHT CLUB Address 0xe5a5520b798c5f67ca1b0657b932656df02595adGot it!

PUNKAY Address 0xa9a9af052f4b9bf4bcf8e7d5ce35407f80a941c2Got it!

xPUNKAYWETH Address 0x077e024e8154b58f6265a18dc31f8091cbbe8e9cGot it!

xPUNKAY Address0x46292e8ccc7ada230fd9df4a472c586ebd6eb388Got it!

Sushi Pool URLhttps://app.sushi.com/swap?outputCurrency=ETH&inputCurrency=0xa9a9af052f4b9bf4bcf8e7d5ce35407f80a941c2Got it!

Sushi Analytics URLhttps://analytics.sushi.com/pairs/0xc5c96d0e3353b31e48a1d8501327cedb878ec537Got it!

The basics