EfratFurst - Understanding Understanding


了解 "理解 "的框架

The previous page discussed how information is processed in Working Memory and stored in Long-Term Memory. A four-level model of memory representations was suggested to describe the processes every "piece of knowledge" (ideally) progresses through: Know, Understand, Use, and Master. Here we dive into the relations between the first two: what is needed to progress from knowing something to understanding it.

上一页讨论了信息如何在工作记忆中被处理并储存在长期记忆中。有人提出了一个四级的记忆表征模型来描述每一个 "知识片断"(理想情况下)的进展过程。了解、理解、使用和掌握。在这里,我们深入研究前两个过程之间的关系:从知道某件事情到理解它需要什么。

To briefly summarize, when a learner knows a concept, it is represented in the mind and may be recognized shortly after learning. When it is explained in terms of already familiar concepts and their relationships, the concept is potentially understood. It is argued and demonstrated that any incoming information should be processed meaningfully in working memory, in order to become knowledge that is stored in long-term memory.


Here I try to dive deeper into the 'making meaning' process that leads to the desired, yet elusive, state of 'Understanding'. By combining the simplified model of learning in the brain (introduced here) with the behavioral inputs and outputs, I explore the essential components and the processes that underlie 'Understanding'. The goal is to clarify the pedagogical discussion about the actions we can take to support learners in the process of making sense.

在这里,我试图更深入地探讨 "制造意义 "的过程,它导致了理想的,但难以捉摸的 "理解 "状态。通过将大脑中学习的简化模型(在此介绍)与行为的输入和输出相结合,我探索了 "理解 "的基本组成部分和过程。其目的是澄清关于我们可以采取什么行动来支持学习者理解的教学讨论。


The framework of the discussion assumes, on the basis of current scientific understanding(1), that groups of synchronously active neurons in the brain underlie (among other processes) memory and behavior. Behavior and interactions in the environment, in turn, reshape these neuronal representations, which potentially influence future memory and behavior.


When we experience something new, information enters the brain through processes of sensation and perception giving rise to certain patterns of neuronal activity. At the same time, already existing patterns are activated as one attempts to decipher the new experience in terms of the things that are already stored in the brain.