Online ulti ingyenes Versenyekkel, mobilon és tableten is | & UltisTá

A rather eccentrically-designed but surprisingly robust website. In addition to apparently being quite active with real live humans, you can set up a table for just yourself and play against two very strong AI opponents.

The vocabulary below walks you through setting up a private table and playing against the AI.

Intro Video

Hungarian Vocabulary

Starting a Table

Új asztal: New table

New Table Modal

asztalod neve: Table name

jelszava: Password

$N$ fős: $N$ players

Dropdown: who can join?

Bárki beléphet: Anyone can join

Beengedhetek játékosokat: Only players I invite

Senki se zavarjon: No one can join

Dropdown: what kibitzers see

kibicelhető labok: kibitzers can see all the cards

kártya hátlapok: kibitzers can’t see card faces

Játékalap: $N$: Base game value: $N$

Létrehozom: Start table

Mégse: Cancel

A Player Requests To Play

kizárom: player can’t enter csetelhet: player can kibitz beülhet: player can sit gazda: farmer (?)